Monday, October 10, 2011

Leafs... win streak?

The Leafs just won their first two games of the season. This is worthy of my first blog post in a while.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The leafs just won. In fact, they just got a shutout. This is worthy of my first blog in a while.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


DownGoesBrown is the best hockey blog ever. That's really all I have to say. check it out.

Friday, September 10, 2010

breadclips: self-evident redundancy

The breadclip. It's pointless. We all know this. You spin the end of a bag of bread, and then tuck the end under the bread itself. There is no need for a clip.

What some people may not realize is that the breadclip's design is an admission of it's own redundancy.

How so? Next time you buy bread, make a point of opening and completely re-sealing the bag, with clip, once for every slice. This will mimic the actions of a religious breadclip user who enjoys single slices of toast. Certainly a scenario that the breadclip companies have planned for, no? Observe as the breadclip becomes weakened or even fails completely well before you reach the end of the bag.

A breadclip is NOT designed to last for the entire bag. If it was an essential part of the bread storage regimen, would this not be a critical design flaw? If a breadclip was needed in any way to store bread, would this weakness not have been worked out decades ago?

The breadclip: Completely pointless

Saturday, August 28, 2010

stupid-ass videos



Nestea sucks

Why does Nestea not taste like Iced Tea? Why is Brisk so much better? This frustrates me deeply.

I don't drink pop, but I figure no-name diet cola must be the same thing in carbonated form. It just sucks. It should not exist